Cybersecurity Awareness Month (Week 4) Cybersecurity First…

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Are You Aware that “YOU” are the the weakest Cybersecurity link?

Did you know that 95% of all cybersecurity breaches are due to humans?

Did you know that 77% of organizations do not have a cybersecurity plan?

You are an essential ingredient in our ongoing effort to reduce Security Risk…

This is the focus of the 4th and last week of the Cybersecurity Awareness month. This week is all about making security a priority whether it is you, businesses or me. Even though this is the last week of cybersecurity awareness month, one should not stop spreading the awareness in day to day life. Cybersecurity should not be an afterthought.

For individuals it means, keeping cybersecurity in mind while connecting to any device, researching before purchasing a device or online product, considering security and privacy settings, and updating default passwords while setting up a new device or app. Star Cyber Secure User is one such certification course that will make you aware of various cybersecurity threats.

For businesses it means, building security into products and processes, making cybersecurity training a part of employee induction, making cybersecurity training a part of school syllabus and equipping staff with the tools they need to keep the organization safe.

Does Businesses and people require any security awareness program? Let’s explore some examples: A Senior Cybersecurity Analyst, during a 2 week’s family vacation kept posting photographs every day. He returned home only to find is home burgled. Star Cyber Security Analytics course by Star Certification, is a thorough training program that will teach learners to spot vulnerabilities, fend off attacks, and immediately respond to emergencies.

A Cybersecurity Architect accidently clicked a malicious advertisement of a Christmas Sale and got her laptop infected with a spyware. She downloaded the Sale brochure, which was a Word document with macro spyware. Star Incident Handler Expert is a comprehensive certification training program designed to help learners acquire skills required to manage enterprise security incidents by understanding common attack techniques, vectors and tools, while avoiding common errors; thus, increasing both the effectiveness and efficiency of their incident response efforts.

A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) received a very stylish email, which on examination found to be a phishing email. An, IMS-Engineer had to fix 250+ computers due to a massive ransomware attack. He found that the users’ passwords were taped to screens, confidential documents left out on desks and several unlocked, unattended computers. The company paid a huge price for its laid-back attitude toward cybersecurity. Star Ethical Hacking Expert is a comprehensive training program that helps learners acquire a fundamental understanding of concepts like information security, hacking, and ethical hacking, and is a must-have guide for any IT security professional.

How do I approach cybersecurity as a business, school, or individual?

Cyber-attacks and their consequences are growing day by day. Attackers use a variety of vulnerabilities and phishing attacks to compromise the security of networks and devices. To approach this threat effectively and protect your networks, it is even more necessary to become familiar with cyber essentials. Some TIPS to be cyber-secure:

  • Be Aware of Risk: Be aware of possible risk such as malware viruses, ransomware, and phishing. It’s also important for everyone in your organization to be aware of the possible risk.
  • Train Your Employees: Employees and emails are the foremost cause of data breaches for small businesses because they are a direct path into your system. Train and inform your employees and even students on basic Internet practices. This will go a long way in preventing cyber-attacks.
  • Keep Antivirus Software Updated: Make sure all your computers, Internet-connected devices, phones, and tablets are equipped with regularly updated antivirus software, firewalls, email filters, and anti-spyware. Star Mobile Forensic and Advance Security course details out the intricacies of forensic investigative techniques for mobile OSs to better their defence against common threats and attacks.
  • Secure Your Networks: Secure your network by using a firewall and encrypting information. This is also useful for the individual. If you have a Wi-Fi network, secure it by hiding the network, by setting up a wireless access point or router so it doesn’t broadcast the SSID service set identifier and network name. Protect the router and put the password on. Star Wireless Security Xpert certificate helps the learners acquire a fundamental understanding of how hackers target wireless networks, how to identify risks, design a pre-emptive plan of action to prevent malicious wireless attacks, and develop a more secure infrastructure around critical data and applications.
  • Use Strong Passwords: Creating strong passwords is an easy way to improve your cyber security. Try to use different passwords for different accounts. For businesses and schools make it a requirement that strong passwords include one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, at least one number and 10 or more characters.
  • Get Creative: Customize your standard password for different sites, which can prevent cyber criminals from gaining access to these accounts and protect you in the event of a breach. Use password managers to generate and remember different, complex passwords for each of your accounts.
  • Backup Your Data: Routinely back up data on all computers. After backing up your systems make sure the device that the backup is stored on is offline. Star Penetration Testing Expert is a comprehensive certification program.
  • Control Physical Access: Control access to backup data as well as school or business computers by unauthorized individuals. Make sure to use separate user accounts for each employee or student and require strong passwords. Administrative privileges should only be given to trusted IT staff and key personnel. Pen testing is performed to discover security vulnerabilities in a network, application or system. It also attempts to protect the security controls and ensures only authorized access.
  • Play Hard to get with Strangers: Links in emails and online posts are often the way cybercriminals compromise your computer. If you’re unsure who an email is from—even if the details appear accurate—do not respond, and do not click on any links or attachments found in that email. Be cautious of generic greetings such as “Hello Bank Customer,” as these are often signs of phishing attempts. If you are concerned about the legitimacy of an email, call the company directly.
  • Think before you act: Be cautious of communications that appeal you to act immediately. Many phishing emails attempt to create a sense of urgency, causing the recipient to fear their account or information is in jeopardy. If you receive a suspicious email that appears to be from someone you know, reach out to that person directly on a separate secure platform. If the email comes from an organization but still looks “phishy,” reach out to them via customer service to verify the communication.
  • Be Aware of hyperlinks: Avoid clicking on hyperlinks in emails and hover over links to verify authenticity. Star Forensic Investigator Computer Hacking course aims to teach the learners about various investigation tools, eDiscovery, digital evidence collection, evidence preservation, e-mail investigation and recovery, e-mail and IP tracking, encryption and decryption methods, search and seizure of computers, recovering deleted evidences and password cracking.
  • Protect your personal information: If people contacting you have key details from your life such as your job title, multiple email addresses, full name, and more that you may have published online somewhere—they can attempt a direct spear-phishing attack on you. Cyber criminals can also use social engineering with these details to try to manipulate you into skipping normal security protocols.
  • Double your login protection: Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) to ensure that the only person who has access to your account is you. Use it for email, banking, social media, and any other service that requires logging in.

IoT at Home: Cyber Secure Your Smart Home: Internet-connected devices are helping homeowners increase efficiency, reduce costs, conserve energy, and other benefits. However, with all of these benefits come risks to privacy and security. IoT without Security = Internet of Threats! Star IoT Security Xpert provides knowledge of IoT architecture, attacks, threats and risks, penetration testing and securing connected devices.

IoT Security Tips:

  • Do Your Homework: Before purchasing a new smart device, do your research. Check out user reviews on the product, look it up to see if there have been any security/privacy concerns, and understand what security features the device has, or doesn’t have.
  • Change Default Usernames and Passwords: Many IoT devices come with default passwords. Create long and unique passphrases for all accounts and use multi-factor authentication wherever possible. It will fortify your online accounts by enabling the strongest authentication tools available, such as biometrics or a unique one-time code sent to your phone or mobile device.
  • Put Your Iot Devices On A Guest Network: If a smart device’s security is compromised, it won’t grant an attacker access to your primary devices, such as laptops.

Do your part… Cybersecurity starts with you…

Every time you use the Internet, you face choices related to your security. Friends can be selected, links clicked, websites accessed, and wireless networks can be joined. Your security and the security of the nation depends on making secure online decisions. Making the Internet more safe and secure requires all of us to take responsibility for our own cybersecurity stance.

Cybersecurity may be fought with TECHNOLOGY, but it is PEOPLE who Triumph! One must invest in cybersecurity awareness programs right from the school level!

Star Certification, a leading open-source and vendor neutral certification body is playing its part by providing certifications on Star Cyber Secure User, Ethical Hacking, Secure Programming, Forensic investigator, Incident handler, Penetration testing, IoT Security, Wireless Security and updating a workforce that can handle day-to-day cyber threats.

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